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註冊時間: 2004-08-09 文章: 41
發表於: 星期三 一月 26, 2005 8:56 am 文章主題: |
the space outside the tower 1 is restricted for public light bus (green) only.
If other vehicles parked there, the drivers will be prosecuted.
Also, the function of loading and unloading in front of each tower will be lost as your suggestion.
I think MO
(1) can mark a location in front of each tower for loading and unloading and the driver should stay in the car.
(2) allow 30 minutes free parking inside the carpark. If time excees, it should be charged as hourly parking.
Anyway, the arrangment should not obstruct the present Emergency Vehicular Access in front of each buildings.
Another good suggestion from you / other members ? |
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註冊時間: 2004-08-09 文章: 41
發表於: 星期三 一月 26, 2005 11:23 am 文章主題: |
you may note the traffic signs near the Tower 1.
No police patrol is not equal to legally acceptable. |
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註冊時間: 2004-09-27 文章: 384
發表於: 星期三 一月 26, 2005 12:13 pm 文章主題: |
smallmo 寫到: | 30 minutes free parking inside the carpark????
15分鐘夠喇..... |
其實 30 minutes 好 D,有時等下 lift、傾兩句都已經 15 minutes
所以讚成特別劃開 visitor 車位,如果逾時唔走,便收額外性收費,如收兩小時費用,如此類推,同一架車亦唔可以一出一入閘作重新計算,等 D 人唔洗攬用服務。 |
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註冊時間: 2004-07-22 文章: 530
發表於: 星期三 一月 26, 2005 7:21 pm 文章主題: |
由於屋苑在2,3,5座合共有952個單位,但只有15個時租位,如果實施免費停泊(以15分鐘計算)在假日便未必可滿足到需求 ,到時真係泊時租的車輛便可能要等候,所以我地唔主張車輛在屋苑範圍停車等候,而security人員亦有內部指引如何處理這類暫泊車輛,佢地有通融時間,但唔會明文講出,此舉是避免有濫用情況出現。希望大家明白! |
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註冊時間: 2004-08-09 文章: 41
發表於: 星期三 一月 26, 2005 9:33 pm 文章主題: |
please look into my case as stated before:
that I am not parking and just stop outside the unloading area of Tower 5 and unloading passenger from a 8 persons vehicles including elderly)
There was plenty of space and no obstruction to the exit of carparks. I was required to move my car at that time.
I think you staff should also take care the safety of passenger as well and observe the situation and to direct the goods vehciles to exit in a safe manner. |
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註冊時間: 2004-09-27 文章: 384
發表於: 星期四 一月 27, 2005 9:35 am 文章主題: |
csadmin 寫到: | 由於屋苑在2,3,5座合共有952個單位,但只有15個時租位,如果實施免費停泊(以15分鐘計算)在假日便未必可滿足到需求 ,到時真係泊時租的車輛便可能要等候,所以我地唔主張車輛在屋苑範圍停車等候,而security人員亦有內部指引如何處理這類暫泊車輛,佢地有通融時間,但唔會明文講出,此舉是避免有濫用情況出現。希望大家明白! |
得 15 個咁少
有時住戶穿睡衣唔方便落樓,駕車又只有一人,要交收少許東西便頗為麻煩,泊斜路又驚真係遇到炒牌,泊停車場一陣又唔抵 |
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註冊時間: 2004-07-22 文章: 350
發表於: 星期四 一月 27, 2005 11:17 am 文章主題: |
brian 寫到: |
得 15 個咁少
有時住戶穿睡衣唔方便落樓,駕車又只有一人,要交收少許東西便頗為麻煩,泊斜路又驚真係遇到炒牌,泊停車場一陣又唔抵 |
同意! |
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