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註冊時間: 2004-11-10 文章: 3
發表於: 星期二 一月 18, 2005 12:53 am 文章主題: 有關 訪客/業戶;在大廈廣塲;及門口停車等候事宜 |
有關 訪客/業戶;在大廈廣塲;及門口停車等候事宜
1. 因大廈出入口鄰近經常有住戶出入,以免發生危險
2. 支持政府忠告(停車要熄匙) 滅少廢氣排出,影響健康
3. 支持環保
4. 停車要用低燈,以免影響其他人
本人知道有很多私人地方已實行以上各項,希望大家及管業支持並盡怏落實執行! Thanks....
Fish...^.^ |
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註冊時間: 2004-07-22 文章: 350
發表於: 星期二 一月 18, 2005 5:20 pm 文章主題: |
據我知道,現在應該只有客貨車或送貨車輛可以免費30分鐘. |
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註冊時間: 2004-07-22 文章: 530
發表於: 星期三 一月 19, 2005 6:18 pm 文章主題: |
1000002305 寫到: | 其實MO可否考給訪客私家車在停車場免費泊車15分鐘,那麼訪客就唔需要
據我知道,現在應該只有客貨車或送貨車輛可以免費30分鐘. |
「卸貨車輛」15分鐘免費 |
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註冊時間: 2004-08-09 文章: 41
發表於: 星期日 一月 23, 2005 11:09 am 文章主題: |
I came across the following siuation yesterday.
The car of me and my brother are just stopped at tower 5 for unloading of my parent and grandmother (together over 8 persons). The security of the traffic run towards our cars and ask us to move the car and not to block the exit of the goods vechicle from carpark.
however, our position will not block the goods vehciles and I think we are just unloading people and the security staff should also take care of our situation.
In fact, she should assist the ease exit of the goods vechicle instead of calling us to go away. Otherwise, the loading and unloading of passenger in front of each tower is useless.
MO please pay attention to the function of security staff. |
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註冊時間: 2004-09-27 文章: 384
發表於: 星期一 一月 24, 2005 9:50 am 文章主題: |
1000006363 寫到: | I came across the following siuation yesterday.
The car of me and my brother are just stopped at tower 5 for unloading of my parent and grandmother (together over 8 persons). The security of the traffic run towards our cars and ask us to move the car and not to block the exit of the goods vechicle from carpark.
however, our position will not block the goods vehciles and I think we are just unloading people and the security staff should also take care of our situation.
In fact, she should assist the ease exit of the goods vechicle instead of calling us to go away. Otherwise, the loading and unloading of passenger in front of each tower is useless.
MO please pay attention to the function of security staff. |
1. 你們的車輛是泊在停車場出口位置還是 Tower 5 盡頭位置
2. 他們是實牙實齒叫你們走,還是勸籲你們門口不應該泊車
3. 你們等人的時間會否過長 (超過 5 分鐘)
他們叫你們 "move the car and not to block the exit of the goods vechicle from carpark",又唔係趕你們走,就到人做乜唔移一移架車,似乎是你們不講理播
我都試過泊車在 Tower 5 盡頭位置等人,他們都只是勸籲門口不應該泊車,不可停太耐等人,但並沒有話我們阻塞停車場出口及要我們離開
我每天早上8:45am 左右都見到 Tower 2 門口泊了一架住戶電召o既的士,他們都沒有趕架的士走 |
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註冊時間: 2004-08-09 文章: 41
發表於: 星期一 一月 24, 2005 11:34 am 文章主題: |
please note the details of my previous articles before sending comments:
1. For loading and unloading purpose, particular for elderly, I just stop the vehicle outside the entrance for occupants of tower 5, not the exit of carpark. I am not waiting for pepole and just commence the loading and unloading activieis.
otherwise, should I stop my car at the end of the tower 5 for loading or unloading and all the taxi / vehicles should do in that way?
2. There is still sufficent space (as least 5-10m) for the goods vehicles after it leaves the carpark as it use the left gate. There is no obstruction to the vehicle.
3. She needs us to move the car when we are loading the passengers for the leaving of vehicles.
4. The point is that I am stopping at the approiate locations of the tower entrance of Tower 5 and just start loading and loading activies and not parked there, there is no blockage to the entrance of carpark exit.
My concerns is that the manangement officer should control the traffic under a reasonable situation and they should observe the actual situation on site.
I think MO should observe by comments. |
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註冊時間: 2004-09-06 文章: 20 來自: 3/F, Tower 5
發表於: 星期一 一月 24, 2005 2:07 pm 文章主題: |
1000002305 寫到: | 其實MO可否考給訪客私家車在停車場免費泊車15分鐘,那麼訪客就唔需要
據我知道,現在應該只有客貨車或送貨車輛可以免費30分鐘. |
Agree~~~! That makes no sense to pay the parking for just 5 or 10 minutes. |
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註冊時間: 2004-09-27 文章: 384
發表於: 星期一 一月 24, 2005 2:18 pm 文章主題: |
1000006363 寫到: |
2. There is still sufficent space (as least 5-10m) for the goods vehicles after it leaves the carpark as it use the left gate. There is no obstruction to the vehicle.
只不過未至於兩架車完全塞住兩邊出口 |
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註冊時間: 2004-09-27 文章: 384
發表於: 星期一 一月 24, 2005 2:23 pm 文章主題: |
1000002310 寫到: | 1000002305 寫到: | 其實MO可否考給訪客私家車在停車場免費泊車15分鐘,那麼訪客就唔需要
據我知道,現在應該只有客貨車或送貨車輛可以免費30分鐘. |
Agree~~~! That makes no sense to pay the parking for just 5 or 10 minutes. |
我都覺得應該畫幾個 visitor 車位,免費泊車15分鐘,方便駕車人仕。
逾時可鎖車處理 |
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註冊時間: 2004-07-22 文章: 350
發表於: 星期一 一月 24, 2005 3:03 pm 文章主題: |
我都覺得應該畫幾個 visitor 車位,免費泊車15分鐘,方便駕車人仕。
逾時可鎖車處理 [/quote]
鎖車又唔使,收返泊車費就可以 |
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註冊時間: 2004-08-09 文章: 41
發表於: 星期一 一月 24, 2005 10:04 pm 文章主題: |
Dear brian
please look into my previous statement and wording:
I "stop outside the entrance of Tower 5" and the 2 vehicles are stopped next to the pavement outdide the tower 5 tower entrance and just unloading passenger.
There is still 10m clear distance with the left exit gate from the rear of last vehicle.
I am not stopping outside the exit of car park (it is nonsense for parking outside entrance of carpark, causing danger to passenger and vehicle). |
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註冊時間: 2004-08-09 文章: 41
發表於: 星期二 一月 25, 2005 8:37 am 文章主題: |
Please express yours idea clearly
6363 |
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註冊時間: 2004-07-22 文章: 350
發表於: 星期二 一月 25, 2005 9:06 am 文章主題: |
smallmo 寫到: | my idea is to lock the car in front of each tower (not in the park).
and with heavy penalty and punishment. |
Agreed. MO Should force all waiting car to the car park! |
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註冊時間: 2004-07-22 文章: 350
發表於: 星期二 一月 25, 2005 9:17 am 文章主題: |
csadmin 又玩失蹤??? |
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註冊時間: 2004-09-06 文章: 20 來自: 3/F, Tower 5
發表於: 星期二 一月 25, 2005 11:55 am 文章主題: |
1000002305 寫到: | smallmo 寫到: | my idea is to lock the car in front of each tower (not in the park).
and with heavy penalty and punishment. |
Agreed. MO Should force all waiting car to the car park! |
Even a 5 to 10 minutes drop off? |
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