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To CSADMIN: Securities

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註冊時間: 2005-06-11
文章: 13

發表發表於: 星期二 七月 19, 2005 11:06 pm    文章主題: To CSADMIN: Securities 引言回覆

I live in Block 2. I think the security people (both men and women) are not very polite. Many of my friends who come to visit me tells me that the securities people treated them with bad manner (some tells me that they are treated like a thief). Please tell them to be more polite to visitors. I am sure I am not the first one to complain.

Also, the people in the control room who take care of the parking lot is very rude too. I don't think they are very helpful to the home owner when we move in with funitures. 3 days ago, the mover bring me the sofa and leave it at the side of the building near the parking lot. One control room person come tell me that I must move it right away. However, I told him that my friend is coming in 5 minutes to help me move to my room. But the guy was very rude and talk to me with bad manner.

PLEASE educate the staffs and teach them manner!!!!! I am the home owner and I am not treated very nice too!
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註冊時間: 2004-07-22
文章: 530

發表發表於: 星期四 七月 21, 2005 4:12 pm    文章主題: 引言回覆

In order to enhance the quality of our services, we had provided a series of training courses subject to the appearance, greeting manner and communication skill of the security staff and office staff.
Besides, we had internal checking scheme for ensuring the stability of their performance.
We would seriously handle such cases of related to the above complaints, and welcome all of your suggestion.

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