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Suspension of Flushing Water

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註冊時間: 2004-07-27
文章: 26

發表發表於: 星期二 八月 31, 2004 1:40 pm    文章主題: Suspension of Flushing Water 引言回覆

I am totally disappointed to our flushing water in ST.

We have just completed part I of the flushing water supply system so as to reduce sedimentation of sludge. However, such notice was only announced on 26.8.2004. I couldn't see much improvement on the yellowish and sedimentation of flushing water.

On last Sunday (29.8.2004), no flushing water was supply. In addition, the reply from Water Supply Dept is so unsatisfactory that "a longer period was required for inspection and repairing ..... in order not to affect the foundation of the temporary bridge". Does it mean that no one will go to fix this problem until the brige is no longer use or the completion of No. 5 Road Improvement Project.

CSC of ST should follow-up this issue closelyw with Water Supply Dept. It is suspicious that the leakage of the flush water pipe is due to the construction of temproary bridge which is shortly built before the incident happened. If so, CSC should urge the Water Supply Dept. to repair the water pipe immediately. If no further constructive reply from Water Supply Dept, CSC should lodge a complaint to mass media (such as Oriental Daily) in order to exert pressure to Water Supply Dept.

In addition, CSC should check with the management office of nearby estate (荃德花園/愉景新城etc.) to see they have the same problems (sedimentation and suspension of water supply).

As the No. 5 Road Improvement Project will not completed until end of 2006 (as indicated on the construction board), I don't think it's reasonable to have the property owner near the construction site to suffer such inconvenient not to mention the poor environment due to the project.

I hope CSC could respond to my comments as soon as possible.

Angry Owner
Twisted Evil Twisted Evil Twisted Evil Twisted Evil Twisted Evil
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註冊時間: 2004-07-27
文章: 26

發表發表於: 星期三 九月 08, 2004 3:46 pm    文章主題: 引言回覆

Any reply from Customer Service Centre ??

The flushing water is still yellowish plus bad smell + sedimentation.

Pls reflect my opinion to Water Supply Dept.
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註冊時間: 2004-07-22
文章: 42

發表發表於: 星期三 九月 08, 2004 5:16 pm    文章主題: 引言回覆

我覺得廁所水已有改善, 冇咁黃.
上次冇廁所水後有好多黃色沙泥積在水箱, 試下擦一擦, 咁D水到現在都OK清.
而臭味我就唔太覺, 因我在水箱加左D消毒丸
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